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The product name:Sapphire parts

 Update time:2020-04-07 14:03:29

Product details

Sapphire parts are used in many fields. Most people know the purpose of sapphire and use it as parts in their own industry. Sapphire has an important advantage that it is hard enough, so most of it can be used as parts to support the core of the machine; Although sapphire has some special properties, it is difficult to process, and it is not easy to make parts. In fact, the processing technology of sapphire parts is in the stage of confidentiality in the world, and outsiders do not know it. As for the processing difficulties, it is still necessary to control the surface quality. How to avoid the existence of pits and traces in the processing process, The processing process has been carried out, and there are some losses. Moreover, it must meet the corresponding standards before it can be sold, so as to ensure the dimensional accuracy and smoothness. This is the key technology of processing. Especially in the polishing process, it directly affects the surface quality of parts. Therefore, at this time, high-speed fine grinding must be adopted to combine fine grinding and rough grinding, Improve the surface roughness of the parts after fine grinding, and then create favorable conditions for polishing. The processing of such parts is perfect, and the quality and accuracy meet the standards, so that the parts can be sold directly.

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